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RoninKinda bad on Keys
Pt1) First, the story is generally quite unique, especially in today's manwha climate. It seems to be a fresh take on the 72 Demon Princes of He** described by the Ars Goetia in the most likely fictional story of King Solomon. It also seems to borrow from Chainsaw man with a ginger teen who is almost killed only to have a demon take up residence in his heart to keep him alive, albeit much less successfully. The art is lower quality, but also in a unique way that lends character to the story instead of retracting from it, most of the time. And the story is set in the town of Derry in Northern Ireland, which could have been an interesting setting if any worldbuilding was done at all. Keys is a story that could be set in any town in any western country. None of the local culture, or history finds it's way into the story at all besides the cast of unlikeable and droll facscimile's of characters dropping the name once a chapter. And despite this story trying to be a large scale world we never leave Derry more than once, not for travel, not for information. And the characters. Oh boy, the characters are a fuc**** benadryl shadow demon pretending to be human except way, way less scary because they're so boring. They have no character development, backstory, and have undefined abilities.
Sucks big time on The Absolute Ruler of the House
There are alrady 14 chapters out on multiple other sides...
Rocks on I Became the Mother of the Bloody Male Lead
theres a whole 50 a** 5 stars and 12 reviews.
I dont think i need to say that this manwha is peak.
I dont think i need to say that this manwha is peak.
Pretty good on Dine With a Vampire
"He who did not know how to give up, learned how to sacrifice..."
"And he who did not know how to own anything, learned about possession."
This one is highly psychological, traumatic and dramatic. The antagonists are going to get on your nerves and you will hate them with all your heart; but I think that makes them pretty good enemies as they do fulfill their roles perfectly.
As for the main pairing: Two very broken and revengeful souls finding each other and mending each others hearts (but also highlighting their possessivness and insecureties) They do seem to solve everything with s**, which is quite annoying.
"And he who did not know how to own anything, learned about possession."
This one is highly psychological, traumatic and dramatic. The antagonists are going to get on your nerves and you will hate them with all your heart; but I think that makes them pretty good enemies as they do fulfill their roles perfectly.
As for the main pairing: Two very broken and revengeful souls finding each other and mending each others hearts (but also highlighting their possessivness and insecureties) They do seem to solve everything with s**, which is quite annoying.