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HbdRocks on Rosalyn Bogarte
Pretty good on Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu: Gakkou no Minna to Isekai no Mujintou ni Tenishitakedo Ore Dake Rakushou desu
So the tags will throw you off with this one. you'll think this is purely a se** feel good survival story but what the tags lack are "Psychological" and "Drama" There are dark themes behind the MC's harem sexfest.
- Murder, we even see a brother murder his own brother
- Other classmates are raped, this is child ra**
- Children falling to despair, suicide
- Cannibalism
MC tries to help who he can but doesn't go out of his way to save the other girls from suffering at the boys hands, MC could kill everyone on the island if he wanted to with his traps, stealth, guerilla warfare and his ability to make weapons.
- Murder, we even see a brother murder his own brother
- Other classmates are raped, this is child ra**
- Children falling to despair, suicide
- Cannibalism
MC tries to help who he can but doesn't go out of his way to save the other girls from suffering at the boys hands, MC could kill everyone on the island if he wanted to with his traps, stealth, guerilla warfare and his ability to make weapons.
Pretty good on The Secret Life Of The Demon King
so- its just sm**. my hyp3rs3xual a*s loved it tho. Its actually a decently good story tho
Sucks big time on Maplestory: The Last Adventurer
pretty dumb considering the clear amount of effort that went in
Meh on Nocturne of an α-hating Omega | ×Official
The omega blamed everything on being an omega and had a shi*** personality
Rocks on Love, a Kitten, and a Salty Dog
I was hesitant at first, because of yuu-kun, but the more i read it he's starting to get better. I LOVE, I LOVE SALTY-KUN HE'S GREENER THAN GRASS. This is a true masterpiece!!!
Rocks on Red Area
The review you were looking for (subjective and without spoilers):
I was looking for a simple manga to kill some time but found gold.
1. Plot 5/5
The plot is simple, it concentrates on the main characters' relationship and nothing much happens besides that. But in this particular story it works.
2. Art 5/5
I hardly ever read manga in black and white cuz it's difficult for my eyes... But this one is smooth, clean and easy to read. Beautiful style with occasional touches of color.
3. ANGST 3/5
There're no big scandals, toxicity etc. The heart aches for sure but the drama's more on a melancholic side.
4. Smex 5/5
The smex's unexpectedly good. At some point I was just jealous cuz I've never experienced anything like that... Yet. These scenes're passionate, exciting, extraordinary and sensual.
5. Character 5/5
Straight to the point, ML is a 100% green flag, simply the best man on Earth. Jokes aside, both MC and ML were fine from the beginning and became even better.
6. Secondhand embarrassment 1/5
I felt SE a few times but I think I'm the problem.
It's beautiful and touching story of the main characters exploring themselves in order to find sincere love. A lil bit of sadness and anxiety are included but you just know they'll make it.
Overall rating 10/10
I love to write these reviews though I spend a ridiculous amount of time on them every time... So gimme a 💜 as a reward if It helps!
I was looking for a simple manga to kill some time but found gold.
1. Plot 5/5
The plot is simple, it concentrates on the main characters' relationship and nothing much happens besides that. But in this particular story it works.
2. Art 5/5
I hardly ever read manga in black and white cuz it's difficult for my eyes... But this one is smooth, clean and easy to read. Beautiful style with occasional touches of color.
3. ANGST 3/5
There're no big scandals, toxicity etc. The heart aches for sure but the drama's more on a melancholic side.
4. Smex 5/5
The smex's unexpectedly good. At some point I was just jealous cuz I've never experienced anything like that... Yet. These scenes're passionate, exciting, extraordinary and sensual.
5. Character 5/5
Straight to the point, ML is a 100% green flag, simply the best man on Earth. Jokes aside, both MC and ML were fine from the beginning and became even better.
6. Secondhand embarrassment 1/5
I felt SE a few times but I think I'm the problem.
It's beautiful and touching story of the main characters exploring themselves in order to find sincere love. A lil bit of sadness and anxiety are included but you just know they'll make it.
Overall rating 10/10
I love to write these reviews though I spend a ridiculous amount of time on them every time... So gimme a 💜 as a reward if It helps!